

Friday 5 December 2008

Chance to get published in the Red House Competition

For all you keen writers out there between ages 9 and 17 - the Red House is running a competition.

The following is from their website http://www.redhouse.co.uk/

"Get Your Work Published!
Are you the next Anthony Horowitz, Louise Rennison, Roger McGough or even Piers Morgan? Then we want to hear from you! The Red House Young Writers' Yearbook is now celebrating it's third year with the publication of the Red House Young Writers' Yearbook 2008, which is packed with carefully selected writing from children and teenagers across the United Kingdom.
So if you're a budding author, journalist or poet, aged 17 or under, get writing as now is your chance to get your brilliant work published in the Red House Young Writers' Yearbook 2009.
Not only will the winners be published they'll get to take part in a workshop, where they'll receive tips and advice from professional writers including popular author and judge of the Yearbook,
Matt Whyman.
So what are you waiting for? Get those creative juices flowing and send in your entries by the 28th May 2009!
Entries must be under 1000 words

Their website has further information and other opportunities and fun.

****However, PLEASE ASK FOR PARENTAL PERMISSION BEFORE SHARING ANY OF YOUR DETAILS OR ENTERING INTO ANY COMPETITION. Bodmin Bookworm cannot be responsible for the content or conduct of any outside websites or their links - therefore it is essential that you obtain parental advice and permission.********


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